Distribuzione di utensili di alta qualità!

Privacy and Cookies Policy

Privacy and Cookies Policy

Information on the processing of personal data ex art. 13-14 EU Reg. 2016/679

This Privacy Policy is made pursuant to Article 13 of the European Regulation No. 679/2016 and applies exclusively to all data collected through the www.proximatools.it Website. This policy is subject to updates that will be posted on the Website on a timely basis.

Data Controller

The Data Controller of the Data collected from this site is MARSILIO GROUP SRL with registered office in Padua at F. Paer n.°3, VAT no. 03731530287 email: info@marsiliogroup.it (hereinafter “Data Controller” or just “Data Controller”).

Methods of Processing Personal Data

The Personal Data provided or acquired will be subject to Processing based on the principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of confidentiality in accordance with current regulations.
The Data Controller processes Users’ Personal Data by adopting appropriate security measures aimed at preventing unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction of Personal Data.
The Processing is carried out by means of computerized and/or telematic tools, with organizational methods and logics strictly related to the indicated Purposes. Among thePersonal Data collected by this Website, independently or through third parties, are: Cookie, Usage Data, Email and Name. Additional Personal Data collected may be indicated in other sections of this Privacy Policy or through informational texts displayed at the same time as the Data is collected. Personal Data may be entered voluntarily by the User, or collected automatically during the use of this Website.

1) Communication and Dissemination of Data

In addition to the Owner, in some cases, they may have access to the Data:

a) categories of Distributors, specially trained for this, involved in the organization of the Website (administrative, sales, marketing, legal, system administrators);
b) External parties (such as third party technical service providers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) also appointed as Data Processors by the Data Controller ex art. 28 GDPR. The updated list of Data Processors, if appointed, can always be requested from the Data Controller;
c) public or private entities that can access the Data in compliance with legal obligations;
d) subjects that carry out accessory and instrumental tasks with respect to the Holder’s activity;
e) external subjects such as partners in the organization of initiatives and events promoted and/or sponsored by the Data Controller to whom the communication of the Data proves necessary for organizational reasons;
f) with the consent of the data subject, isoggetti indicated in point n.5) letter g) of this Privacy Policy.

2) Data voluntarily provided by the User

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail, including by means of the Contact Form or by means of the addresses indicated on this Website, entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other Personal Data included in the email. Consent to the provision of Data by the User is necessary in order to be included in the Owner’s databases and for the purposes of the establishment and proper conduct of what the same offers to its Users, as well as to third parties for the fulfillment of the individual activity requested. Failure to provide it therefore prevents registration in the Owner’s databases, the completion of any contracts, as well as the execution of the same and any other possible activity. Therefore, the User’s failure to provide certain Personal Data may prevent the Data Controller from providing its services. The User assumes responsibility for the Personal Data of third parties published or shared through this Website and warrants that he/she has the right to communicate or disseminate it, releasing the Owner from any liability to third parties. Specific summary disclosures will be progressively reported or displayed on the pages of the Website set up for particular on-demand services.

3) Place of Processing

The processing of Data takes place mainly in Italy and in the countries of the European Union. Some third party tools may process the data of the users of this website in countries outside the European Economic Area (the “Third Countries”).
Data transfer to Third Countries may also take place through the use of external tools that enable certain services (e.g. statistical analysis, newsletters, remarketing, advertising, use of social buttons).

4) Timing of Treatment

As expressly provided by Art. 5, co. 1, lett. e) of the GDPR, the Data are kept for the time necessary for the Processing of the same in relation to the performance of the service requested by the User, or required by the Purposes described in this document.


  • Personal Data collected for purposes related to the performance of a contract between the Data Controller and the User will be retained until the performance of that contract is completed;
  • Data collected for Purposes attributable to the legitimate interest of the Data Controller will be retained until such interest is satisfied. The User may obtain further information regarding the legitimate interest pursued by the Controller in the relevant sections of this document or by contacting the Controller;
  • Data collected based on User Consent may be retained until such Consent is revoked;
  • Data collected for fiscal/administrative obligations will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the above purposes and as required by law, and in any case for a period not exceeding that dictated by civil law;
  • Data may be retained by the Data Controller for a longer period in compliance with legal obligations or by order of an authority;

The User can always request the interruption of the Processing or the deletion of Data not related to the execution of the contract.

At the end of the retention period, the Personal Data will be deleted. Therefore, at the expiration of this period, the right of access, deletion, rectification and the right to Data portability can no longer be exercised.

5) Purposes of the Processing of Collected Data

User Data is collected to enable the Website to provide its services, as well as for the following Purposes: Contacting the User, Managing Addresses and Sending Email Messages, Interacting with External Platforms and Statistics and in particular:

  1. To fulfill any type of obligation contemplated and provided for by current laws, regulations, related rules and business customs, in particular, in tax/fiscal matters;
  2. to follow up on specific requests made to the Owner by the User through the Website and its communication tools (Contact Form, Information Request Forms and the like);
  3. for communications of an informative nature related to the services of the same Holder, following the request for information through e-mail messages or filling out the Contact Form and other communication tools;
  4. For other purposes ancillary or related to those indicated above and otherwise within the scope of the Website’s activities;
  5. For sending promotional and commercial information and offers;
  6. For profiling activities for marketing purposes;
  7. for transfer of Data to companies and/or third parties with which the Data Controller collaborates or has entered into agreements, which may use the Data Subject’s Data to send communications and/or information material relating to events organized by them or services provided by them.

The types of Personal Data used for each purpose are indicated in the specific sections of this document.

For the purposes referred to in 1) above, the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party, for the execution of pre-contractual measures or in order to comply with a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject.

For the purposes of point 2), 3) 4) the processing is optional, however, failure to provide one or more data will result in the impossibility of responding to your request for information and to take advantage of the services offered by the Owner.

For the purposes under 5), 6), 7), the processing is based on the consent freely given by the Data Subject.

6) Cookies

This Web Site uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that can be used by Websites to make the experience more efficient for the User. You use cookies to personalize content and ads, provide social media features, and analyze traffic. You also provide information about how you use the site to the Owner’s web analytics, advertising and social media partners, who may combine it with other information you have provided to them or that they have collected based on your use of their services. The third-party cookies used on our website are primarily used to understand how the website works, how you interact with our website, to keep our services secure, to provide advertisements relevant to you, and generally to provide you with a better and improved user experience and to speed up your future interactions with our website.

Types of cookies used on the site

Preferenze di consenso dei Cookie

You can change your cookie preferences at any time by clicking on the button above.
This will allow you to revisit the cookie consent banner and change your preferences or revoke your consent right away.

In addition, different browsers offer different methods for blocking and deleting cookies used by websites. You can change your browser settings to block/delete cookies. Listed below are links to support documents on how to manage and delete cookies from major web browsers.

Chrome: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/32050Safari: https://support.apple.com/en-in/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac

Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/clear-cookies-and-site-data-firefox?redirectslug=delete-cookies-remove-info-websites-stored&redirectlocale=en-US

Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/how-to-delete-cookie-files-in-internet-explorer-bca9446f-d873-78de-77ba-d42645fa52fc

If you are using another web browser, visit the official browser support documents.

Details of the processing of Personal Data

I Dati sono raccolti per le seguenti Finalità ed utilizzando i seguenti servizi:

Contact Form (This Website)

The User, by filling out the Contact Form with his/her Data, consents to their use to respond to requests for information, or any other purpose indicated by the header of the form. Personal Data collected: Email, First Name and Last Name, telephone number, and other personal data that may be contained in the body of the message.


By registering for a mailing list or newsletter, the User’s email address is automatically added to a list of contacts to whom email messages containing information, including information of a commercial and promotional nature, relating to this Web Site may be sent.

The User’s email address may also be added to this list as a result of registering for this Site. Personal Data Collected: Email, First Name, and Last Name.

Aruba provides the Hosting system for this Website and operates in accordance with applicable regulations and in compliance with the principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of confidentiality and rights. Personal Data collected: various types of Data as specified by the Privacy Policy of the service. Place of processing: Italy – Privacy Policy

Misure di sicurezza adottate

This Website, to make it secure when Personal Data is entered, has an SSL certificate and uses the HTTPS protocol.

With the use of this protocol, the transactions and Data that are transmitted in the Websites occur with maximum security and the content of the communication is not read or manipulated in any way by third parties.


The services contained in this section only allow the Data Controller to monitor and analyze traffic data and serve to track User behavior.

1) Google Analytics (Google Ireland Limited)

Google Analytics is a Website analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited. Google uses the Personal Data collected for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of this Website, compiling reports and sharing them with other services developed by Google.
Google may use Personal Data to contextualize and personalize ads in its advertising network. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law or where such third parties process this information on Google’s behalf. IP address anonymization is enabled on this site. The IP address transmitted by your browser for purposes related to Google Analytics will not be merged with other data already held by Google. A browser add-on for deactivating Google Analytics is also made available by Google at the following link https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptotu?hl=it. Personal Data Collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: United States – Ireland -.Privacy Policy


Content on external platforms

These services allow to display content hosted on external platforms directly from the pages of this Site and interact with them. In the event that such a service is installed, it is possible that, even if Users do not use the service, it will collect Traffic Data related to the pages where it is installed.

1) Widget Video Youtube (Google Inc.)

Youtube is a video content display service operated by Google Inc. that allows this Website to integrate such content within its pages. Personal Data Collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of Processing: USA – Privacy Policy


More information about the treatment

Litigation defense

The User’s Personal Data may be used for the defense by the Owner in court or in the preparatory stages of its possible establishment, from abuse in the use of the same or related services by the User. The User declares that he/she is aware that the Data Controller may be required to disclose the Data at the request of public authorities.

Specific disclosures

Upon the User’s request, in addition to the information contained in this Privacy Policy, this Web Site may provide the User with additional and contextual Informations regarding specific services, or the collection and processing of Personal Data.

System logs and maintenance

For operation and maintenance purposes, this Website may collect System Logs, which are files that record interactions and may also contain Personal Data, such as the User IP address.

Information not contained in this Privacy Policy

More information in relation to the processing of Personal Data may be requested at any time from the Data Controller using the contact information.

Nature of Data processed and consequences of refusal

The provision of browsing-related data by Users, for the above purposes, depends on the degree of privacy you have enabled or disabled via your browser. In some cases, disabling it may affect navigation on this Web Site.

For certain modules of this Web Site, the provision of navigation data and/or the use of technical cookies is mandatory for the proper functioning of the Web Site itself. The provision of certain own data is in any case necessary for the very structure of the Web Site and its procedures. In particular, by way of example:

– for sending messages via Contact Form, the minimum data required therein, such as possibly the sender’s name/surname and/or e-mail address and/or other identifying data, are in any case mandatory;

Failing this, the procedure itself cannot be completed.

On the other hand, any request for other optional Data will be preceded by an appropriate approval tick. The provision of all other Data is optional, in accordance with the type of information the User wishes to provide to the Website.

Esercizio dei diritti dell’interessato

The Data Subject has the right to exercise the faculties provided for in Articles 7, 15-22 of European Reg. 679/2016.

In particular, he/she has the right to revoke his/her consent at any time and, upon simple request to the Data Controller, he/she may request access to the Personal Data, receive the Personal Data provided to the Data Controller and where possible transmit them to another Data Controller without hindrance (so-called portability), obtain the updating, limitation of the processing, rectification of the Data and the deletion of those processed in breach of the regulations in force. He/she has the right, for legitimate reasons, to object to the Processing of Personal Data concerning him/her and to the Processing for purposes of sending advertising material, direct sales and for carrying out market research. He/she also has the right to lodge a complaint with the Garante della Privacy as the supervisory authority for the protection of personal data. The interested party may exercise his rights by contacting the Data Controller by e-mail at: info@marsiliogroup.it

Changes to this Privacy Policy

The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time by giving notice to Users on this page. Therefore, please consult this page often, taking as reference the date of last modification indicated at the bottom. If you do not accept the changes made to this Privacy Policy, you must cease using this Website and may request the Data Controller to remove your Personal Data. Unless otherwise specified, the previous Privacy Policy will continue to apply to the Personal Data collected up to that point.

The Data Controller is responsible for this Privacy Policy.

However, the Data Controller is not responsible for updating all links included in this Privacy Policy that point to third party sites.

Therefore, if a link is not working or not updated, Users acknowledge and agree that they should always refer to the document and/or section of the websites referred to by that link.

Privacy Policy Updated February 2024

Cookie Policy

Effective Date: 22-Feb-2024
Last Updated: 22-Feb-2024


What are cookies?


How do we use cookies?

Tipi di cookie utilizzati nel sito


Manage cookie preferences

Preferenze di consenso dei Cookie

Potete modificare le vostre preferenze sui cookie in qualsiasi momento cliccando sul pulsante qui sopra.
In questo modo è possibile rivisitare il banner di consenso ai cookie e modificare le proprie preferenze o revocare subito il proprio consenso.

Inoltre, i diversi browser offrono metodi diversi per bloccare ed eliminare i cookie utilizzati dai siti web. È possibile modificare le impostazioni del browser per bloccare/eliminare i cookie. Di seguito sono elencati i link ai documenti di supporto su come gestire ed eliminare i cookie dai principali browser web.

Chrome: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/32050

Safari: https://support.apple.com/en-in/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac

Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/clear-cookies-and-site-data-firefox?redirectslug=delete-cookies-remove-info-websites-stored&redirectlocale=en-US

Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/how-to-delete-cookie-files-in-internet-explorer-bca9446f-d873-78de-77ba-d42645fa52fc

Se si utilizza un altro browser web, visitare i documenti di supporto ufficiali del browser..